Preparing properly will make a HUGE difference to the outcome of your procedure and how well the pigment holds.
For All Cosmetic Tattoos
Discontinue the use of any anti-aging, skin brightening or anti-acne skincare products. Particularly those that contain AHA, Vitamin A, Retinol. Ideally, do not use these products for 30 days prior to your appointment, and yes, even if you do not use it near the area to be tattooed it does spread under your skin and your cosmetic tattoo will heal patchy. Once your tattoo has healed under the skin surface (aprox 6 weeks following your final appointment) you may resume your usual skin care routine.
Do not schedule any facials, microdermabrasion, peels or laser treatments for at least 3 weeks prior to your appointment
Do not have cosmetic injections at the forehead (if tattooing brows) or lips (if tattooing lips) for at least three weeks prior to your appointment
Stop taking the following vitamins one week prior to your appointment as they thin the blood and prevent the pigment from implanting correctly. If you continue to use these then the healed result may be patchy: Fish Oil, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Garlic, Chammomile, Glucosamine, Evening Primrose Oil, Ginger, Ginko
Do not have Ibuprofen, Voltarin, Indocid, Advil, Niacin or Asparin 24 hours prior to your appointment. You may take Panadol or Panadeine for pain if you wish
Some over the counter numbing creams are not pH balanced and can cause chemical burn reactions when applied to the face. If you wish to have numbing cream used at your appointment please arrange a formulation to be made at a compounding pharmacist and bring it to your appointment. I recommend 4% lignocaine, 4% tetracaine and 2% prilocaine but other similar formulations may be recommended by your pharmacist. If you are unsure where to go you can contact Fremantle Central Pharmacy on 9335 2786 or
7 Day Pharmacy Spearwood on 94341118
No Accutane medication for one year before getting a Cosmetic Tattoo
Do not drink alcohol or caffeine 24 hours prior to your appointment
For Eyebrows
You can have your brows tidied prior to your appointment. This will not make any difference to the shape we suggest. It will, however mean we spend less time plucking and more time concentrating on the shaping, measuring and tattooing during your appointment. If you wish to have your brows tinted and would like to continue to tint the hairs, it is ok to come with tinted brows. We can match the colour for you. If you do not wish to continue to tint once you have your brows tattooed, then you may come without tint
If you have been using a brow growth serum please discontinue using this and book your appointment for 3 months after discontinuing the product. The serum ingredients will prevent the pigment from being held in the skin
For Lips
Please commence taking anti-cold sore preventative tablets one week prior to each of your appointments. You can get this from your pharmacist. Even if you have never had a cold sore or herpes outbreak, the needling in this area can bring out a cold sore if you have the virus lying dormant in your system. If you get a cold sore after cosmetic tattooing it means you already have the virus in your system and you will lose the pigment in that area, which will require further touch up appointments
We would be more then happy to answer any questions you may have regarding pre-care instructions.
For Lash Enhancement Eyeliner
Please remove all eye makeup, mascara and contact lenses prior to the procedure. Eyelash extensions including individual strands must also be removed prior to the treatment. If you have issues with eye irritation or infection the procedure is not recommended. An anaesthetic will be placed onto the lash line before the artist applies the liner to give you an idea of your design.
If you have been using a lash growth serum please discontinue using this and book your appointment for 3 months after discontinuing the product. The serum ingredients will prevent the pigment from being held in the skin.